A Spotless Reputation.
We provide a wide range of professional services both Domestic and Commercial to meet our clients needs. Our staff have experience in deep cleaning NHS premises, Domestic cleaning to households and also do a lot of commercial cleaning to Holiday lets, Estate Agencies to deep clean end of tenancies and moving in cleaning. We pay extra attention to detail and pride ourselves in doing a very good job.
Our Domestic deep cleans and Commercial cleans are charged per House/Building, depending on how many rooms there are in the property and we serve the whole of Norfolk.
We offer Bespoke deep cleaning services for households that are in need of a one off deep clean or a spring clean. We understand how hectic and busy life can be to clean all those little corners you may not be able to get to on the daily clean.
Price From £200
Price From £250
Holiday Let Cleaning £25/hr
Are you looking for a one off house tidying service? We do understand the demands of a busy lifestyle and how overwhelming cleaning and tidying a house can be. Give us a call and we will do our best to get you back in order.
Price From £20/hr
Establish the ideal cleaning schedule. Call us for a One- Off cleaning job, or customize the service as desired. We pride ourselves in listening to the client and doing a fantastic job.
Dazzling Deep Cleaning uses Enviromentally friendly, less -harmful cleaning products through a thoughtful processes that protects your property. We use Eco friendly cleaning products for our Customers who are Keen at saving our planet and environment.
Professional Cleaning
Open Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Great Vibes
Rock Salt
Indie Flower
Roboto Slab
Noto Serif
Open Sans
Dazzling Deep Cleaning cleaned our old office, breathing new life into the space. It’s barely recognizable.
Jane Faber
I loved the soft-spoken cleaners who are always ready to listen and assist.
John Smith
A reliable team offering dedicated cleaning services.
Madelaine Taylor